Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone."
~ Lin Yutang

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by Karen Winkelman Monday, March 25, 2024

So, what is going on with the energy on the planet and within us right now?

Sunset over acean waves. Quote: Feelings are much like waves. We can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.Well, energetically, there is a lot going on.

Each person may be experiencing this heightened energy in different ways. Some feel shaky, some feel sad, tired, restless, angry, or just off in some way they can’t put their finger on. 

For me, it is showing up as an agitation and sprinkled with moments of feeling off balance. And I literally stumble or wobble as if everything tilted for a nanosecond. It isn’t dizziness. It’s more like finding your “sea legs” when on a boat.

Some of it is the eclipses and the full moon; some of it is Mercury's pre-retrograde shadow, and some of it is the energetic package this 8-year is gifting us with. Here’s my take on it:

Mercury Pre-retrograde Shadow: Mar 18 – 31, 2024

This starts the cosmically enforced slowdown, communication hiccups, and technology weirdness, and brings up waves of the past. We are entering the start-nothing-new zone.

Full Moon (in Libra) and Lunar Eclipse March 24/25 (2024) -  Moon in Libra, Sun in Aries (balance and taking action)

The full moon is about letting go/completion, and in a Mercury Retrograde shadow, it is bringing up something from the past. Potentially the distant past or even childhood. With the eclipse, it is probably an aspect of something that you hadn’t acknowledged or been aware of if and when you confronted and worked on clearing this emotional issue before. It may also have to do with becoming aware of and letting go of a thought pattern, a way of believing, or the end of a job, a relationship, or a chapter in our lives.

Moon eclipse in Libra is often about seeing where you are being complacent, dropping your masks, noticing where you are being “too nice” and diminishing yourself in the process, and where you are neglecting yourself.

It is also a call to take a look at and question your relationships (a theme all this decade, actually).

  • Do you like who you are in this relationship, this group, this job, etc.?
  • Does it fit you now?
  • Does it fit who you are becoming or wish to be?

Reflect on the issues and themes of this full moon, and take a little time to introspect and take stock of this end of the cycle that began in October 2023.

Also, note what sign and house your Moon is in. On an energetic level, your moon is being eclipsed by the Aries sun. Aries will poke and provoke action of some kind and point to areas where you have become complacent. It may bring up anger and frustration in those areas as well.

The 8-vibration for 2024:

The key themes of the 8 are Abundance, Power, Recognition, and Success, plus balancing ego and spirit (higher self/intuition).

Beneath that is the energetic influence of the other numbers of 2024: 2, 0, and 4

2024 has two 2s, which multiply the influence of that vibration. In this decade (the 2020s), the energy (courtesy of the 2-vibration) is focused on relationships, balance, polarity, different perspectives, patience, peace, community, and collaboration/partnership. And all the ways we are out of alignment with any of those!

Especially your relationship with yourself, your Spirit/Source, and fixed points of view and polarity issues (judgements of right/wrong, good/bad, etc.) that are limiting you and keeping you stuck.

The 0 symbolizes: Spirit, Source, Intuition, Higher Self, and Creation (the Void and Divine Feminine).

The 4 represents: stability and security, building a solid foundation, focus, and working toward your goals.

This combo says, “Pay attention.” Stop putting the important things off. The status quo isn’t helping or supporting you. Your thinking may be flawed. Take a look at the situation with fresh eyes or a different perspective. Come back into balance.

The strongest influence this year is your relationship with receiving abundance, prosperity, recognition, and appreciation.... and achieving success (whatever your definition of success is).

The previous 8-year was 2015. That version of the 8-year resonated more with independence and change (due to the influence of the 1 and the 5). It also had a more external focus on material mastery, being a good steward of your money, standing in your power, and going for what you desired based on intuitive guidance.

2024's 8-energy is more inward-focused. It brings reflection and shines a light on where you are out of alignment with its characteristics. The 8 will call attention to the places where you have some lessons to learn or awareness to gain around things that are counterproductive to your thriving. For some, it might be finances that need attention, while for others, it might be centered on personal power or appreciation. For others it might illuminate where you are inhibiting your success.


Next up in Cosmic influence department are:

Starfield with gold stars and caution sign. Cosmic Slowdown ahead, Mercury retrograde alert







  • Mercury Retrograde: April 1 - 25 (start nothing new, slow down, double-check everything, and maybe revisit past dreams and desires.)
  • Full Moon/Solar Eclipse on April 8 (the effects of this will ripple out for 6 months or so)
  • Mercury goes Direct on May 25th (I’d still wait until after the retrograde shadow ends before you launch into anything new or buy an expensive/significant item.)
  • Mercury Post-Retrograde Shadow: April 26 – May 12


Be compassionate with yourself as you surf these wonky energies! You got this!

With love and appreciation for you,


PS. Do you have something you'd like to share about the wonky energy? I'd love to hear it. Share in the comments area below!

Posted by Karen Winkelman on Monday, March 25, 2024 12:00 AM
Categories: Self-Acceptance, Energy, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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