Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Tom Flores

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen Winkelman Monday, May 13, 2024
Truth is one of my top values, along with learning, integrity, and creativity. It’s no surprise that I question pretty much everything (not just authority). In the questioning process, which often includes research, I also look at it from different perspectives and use intuition and body wisdom to discern whether something is true or not. One of my favorite questions to ask myself whenever thoughts disturb my peace of mind is, “Is it true?" "Is this true?”...
Categories: Healing, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Beliefs, Self-Awareness, Empowerment Read Full Post
by Karen Winkelman Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Abundance.  Yeah, the word is over-used today. Sometimes it feels like a buzz word to me. Yet the word is steeped in rich layers of meaning. The dictionary defines is as a large or great quantity. Other words that describe parts of its essence are: profusion, plenty, richness, plethora, excess, lavish, copious, prosperity, fortune, wealth. Its opposite is lack and scarcity. Can you live a simple and abundant life? Yes. Can you be fabulously wealthy...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Manifesting, Beliefs, Receiving, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation Read Full Post
I see you trying to hold it altogether. You cling to your positivity, invoke rainbows, unicorns, and glitter. Obsessively canceling any negative thought you have with an immediate positive affirmation. Chanting your mantras with your Mala beads, hoping it will bring you peace of mind and eliminate your stress. Stuffing your pockets with crystals to keep your vibe high and ward of the dreaded denser things in life. Reciting your affirmations, hoping they’ll be enough...
Categories: Healing, Love, Self-Acceptance, Beliefs, Self-Awareness, Empowerment Read Full Post
by Karen Winkelman Monday, August 28, 2017
The angels tell me that this month the primary focus is on your personal power: taking your power back, standing in your power, and owning your power. What does standing in your power mean? It requires trusting yourself, having confidence in what you know to be true for you. When you stand in your power, you’re not negating anyone else or being swayed and sucked into their drama. August is a powerful month ripe with...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Beliefs, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation Read Full Post
by Karen Winkelman Friday, October 7, 2016
My message from my Higher Self today: stop looking for why you can’t and start playing with what if you could. Needed to hear that. Maybe you need to hear it too. When stuck, I find myself looking outside for the answers. I consult my various charts: astrology, human design, scientific hand analysis, numerology, and others. I pull cards. I ask friends. I search online. I take classes and read books about the presumed issue. ...
Categories: Intuition, Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Clarity, Beliefs, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation Read Full Post
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