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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"Given our internal drive to stay safe, we are actually driven to be distracted as a way of protecting ourselves. "
~ Brad Yates
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Numerology Forecasts and Consultations

Numerology is a great tool for understanding yourself and your relationships. It has been part of my life since I was a teen… and that was quite a while ago! Numerology is a remarkably insightful and useful tool… when you know how to use it.

The key to getting the most out of numerology is understanding how the numbers interact with each other. Like with people, numbers have multiple characteristics (you can think of it as their personality). Some numbers bring out the best in other numbers, and others, well, they can be a challenge at times because their characteristics are so different.

That’s where I come in. Numbers speak to me. In turn, I can intuitively interpret what the different numbers mean in relation to each other and to an individual, a business, a situation, an event, and even seemingly random numbers that pop up from time to time to deliver a message.

Purple Swoosh Blue Swoosh Stars Star Star Star
"Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle. Some things are within your control, and some things are not."~ Epictetus

A Numerology Consultation can help you…

  • Plan for and navigate the year ahead with an annual forecast
  • Discover your Life Path and Destiny Numbers and what that means for you
  • Understand and improve your relationship dynamics (with a partner/spouse, child, parent, friend, co-worker, or even your business or job)
  • Find the best times to launch a product, business, or book, or schedule something important
  • Choose a name or change the spelling of your name to further support your goals (personal, business, or creative)

Numerology works great for businesses, too.

And, as in any session with me, you will also receive intuitive downloads, guidance, and practical steps to take.

If you would like to learn more about numerology, please check out my article Introduction to Numerology

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"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."~ Lewis Carroll

My Numerology Services are:

Annual Numerology Forecast

This is my most popular Numerology service. This annual update provides an overview of what to expect in the year ahead to help you navigate the energy of the year. We’ll cover how the Universal Year and your Personal Year numbers interact with each other and what types of things may show up for you. You’ll get tips on the best way to work with the energy of the year and what to be aware of or avoid. This forecast is based on the interaction of the Current “Universal” Year’s number with your personal numbers – Your Life Path Number and Your Personal Year (where you are in your 9-year cycle).

This service is available in either a 1-hour or a half-hour session.

Intuitive Numerology Overview/Update

This is also a popular Numerology service. It includes information on your Life Path, Destiny Number, your Personal Year, where you are in your 9-year cycle, and what may be going on for you. We can go over the current year as well as what may start to show up in the next year, according to where you are in your 9-year cycle. This consultation also gives you a brief overview of the Universal Year energy and how that may be affecting you as well. You’ll also receive intuitive insights and tips on the best way to work with the energy of the year.

This service is a 1- hour session.

Understanding Your Life Path Consultation

This is the foundation of your Numerology Chart or “Soul Blueprint” and is based on when you were born. We will cover your Life Path and Destiny numbers in more depth. This provides you with insight into what you are here to do, the lessons you are here to learn, your inherent strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities and gifts. It can also point to career paths that best suit you; where you may find the most success, joy, self-growth, and self-expression. (It is like the Numerology equivalent of knowing your Astrological Sun, Rising, and Moon signs.)

This consultation can also be done to determine the Life Path number for a job or a business if you know their exact start date.

Prior to your session, you will need to provide me with your birthdate so I can complete the numerology calculations before our session together.

If you are doing this for a business or job, I will need the start date.

This service is a 1-hour session and includes a PDF of your Life Path chart.

Understanding Your Relationships Consultation

Just as every person has a life path number, so does every relationship have a relationship number associated with it. This is true whether the relationship is with a partner/spouse, parent, child, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, teachers, business colleagues, co-workers, boss, employees, clients, neighbors, your job, your business, and so on.

The birthdates of the people involved in any relationship provide clues to what the essence of that particular relationship is all about. You may be experiencing more of the positive aspects of a relationship because you and the other person are choosing to engage from a higher vibration.

Sometimes, you may experience a very bumpy relationship, and usually, there is a dynamic in play that you are not facing, or there is a struggle over which person is right or in control.

Numerology can help you understand the core essence of a relationship and the keys to creating a happy and fulfilling relationship.

You will discover:

  • the underlying themes
  • blindsides
  • high and low aspects
  • tips and steps you can take to improve it

You can choose to explore your relationship dynamics with 1 or 2 other people in this session. Or the relationship dynamics between you and your job or business.

Prior to your session, you will need to provide me with the birthdates of the people or the start date of a business or job for this relationship consultation so I can complete the numerology calculations and basic relationship chart before our session.

This service is a 1-hour session and includes a PDF of the relationship chart.

Special Instructions

For Numerology Services, please provide the following in advance of your session:

  • Your date of birth (month, day, year) – required for all numerology services
  • For the Life Path Consultation job or business version, your date of birth plus the date the business was started or the date you started the job
  • For the Relationship Consultation, the date of birth (month, day & year) for both parties. If it is for the relationship with your job or business, include the date the business was started or the date you started the job.

Please be prepared to take notes or record your session. I download a lot of information and may speak fast. I will not be able to repeat the information for you.

Purple Swoosh Blue Swoosh Stars Star Star Star
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."~ Richard Bach

Numerology Consultations

Session Fees:

Numerology sessions are offered over the phone or video. To book your session, please call +1(623) 243-7377 , message me HERE, or book online below.

Annual Numerology

$135/session (½-hour)

Provides an overview of what to expect in the year ahead and tips on the best way to work with the energy of the year.

  • Personal Year
  • Universal Year
Extended Annual Numerology

$235/session (1-hour)

Provides a somewhat deeper overview of what to expect in the year ahead and tips on the best way to work with the energy of the year.

  • Personal Year
  • Universal Year
Intuitive Numerology

$235/session (1-hour)

An overview of your Life Path, Personal Year, what may be going on for you, and what may start to show up in the next year.

  • Life Path Number
  • Destiny Number
  • Personal Year
  • Universal Year
  • 9-Year Numerology Cycle
Understanding Your
Life Path

$375/session (1-hour)

An overview of your Life Path, what you are here to do, the lessons you are here to learn, your inherent strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and gifts.

  • Life Path Number
  • Destiny Number
  • Includes Chart (PDF)
Understanding Your

$375/session (1-hour)

An overview of the relationship you choose to explore, with suggestions on how to improve the bumpy bits and create a more fulfilling relationship.

  • Your Relationship Number
  • Blindsides
  • Major Themes
  • Includes Chart (PDF)

PS. Although I’m not currently offering the following numerology services, they may be available by special request. Please email or call me to discuss the possibility.

  • Name Comparison Analysis (for a person or business)
  • Launch Date/Event Date Analysis
  • Current Life Challenges
  • Numerology Mentoring

What people say about working with me…

Moon Cat Sarah M.

I want to give a BIG shout out to my dear friend Karen Martin Winkelman...she is a numerology EXPERT! I needed help with names and clarity on some business-related stuff. Karen provided an in-depth numerology report that is precisely accurate and exactly the help I needed to make a rather big decision. Honestly, my mind is a little blown with how COOL the information is. I would highly recommend her...if you need help understanding your purpose in life, what your year is gonna look like, or help with your relationship, numerology is a good choice. Karen ROCKS!!!


+1(623) 243-7377


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