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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"Evaluate every act by whether it brings you greater life, or deadens you."
~ Alan Cohen
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Welcome to Sage Musings!

These are resources that you may find useful on your own spiritual and creative journey.

I’ve curated this collection from classes and workshops I’ve taught over the years. To make them more “self-guided” and easy to follow, I revised and updated them for you.

Please see the topics below. Each topic will expand out to pages of information to guide you. Get comfy and maybe have a cup of tea or your favorite beverage on hand as you explore them. You might want to have a notebook or journal nearby in case you want to make some notes or journal on the topics.

When I get a nudge from the Universe to do so, I will add to this collection of tools and resources.

Let me know if there are other topics you might want to see here…

Developing Your Intuitive Gifts

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
–Albert Einstein

Everyone is intuitive!

One of the first places to start developing your intuition is by becoming aware of how you receive your messages.

Some people are “feelers,” some people “just know,” and others “see” a vision or have dreams about things.

Powerful Forgiveness Exercises

I think forgiveness is often misunderstood and, for that reason, is often resisted or avoided. Forgiveness is a healing gift we give ourselves. It is not letting the other person off the hook or saying that whatever happened to you was acceptable or OK.

Working with Pendulums

Pendulums come in many shapes and sizes, usually with a point at the bottom. Pendulums have their own personality and communication style. You can have several pendulums, and they may each respond to the energy differently. I have three that I use regularly, and I check in with them each time to make sure I know what movement means: yes, no, maybe.

Your Inner Child

You may think you’re in charge… but your inner child may be controlling more things than you realize.

We all have an inner child that is actively running things behind the scenes. Their job is trying to keep you safe, based on events that happened in your early days. And to make matters even more confusing, you may have a pack of inner kids playing with the controls!


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