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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"Be sure you don’t lose your happiness teaching other people how to be happy. Your happiness is your teaching. "
~ Alan Cohen
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What I Do and What It’s Like to Work with Me

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
– Bernard M. Baruch

People often ask me what I “see” or what to “expect” when I have a session with them. The answer is: “It depends.”

Just like each person and each situation or issue is different, so is each session. There are some things that are the same, though, and that is my process and how I show up.

Before the session, I light a candle, create a sacred space, and connect with my “Spiritual Posse” (higher self, guides, angels, and sometimes Archangels). I set my intention to provide you with what is most needed at the time; whatever is in your highest and best interest.

Next, I’ll communicate with your higher self, guides, and angels, requesting their assistance. Occasionally deceased loved ones will show up as well.

A session with me includes all of me…

… my intuitive ability, decades of learning, personal experiences, and my varied talents and gifts. Whatever is needed will come into play during our session together. I listen deeply and fully. I notice the words you chose and what remains unspoken, and the energy around it.

Information begins to flow to me when you ask a question or present your situation. Pictures start to form and a downloading process begins. I receive information and messages to pass on to you. As your session progresses, additional information pops in so that I can provide you with more clarity and understanding. You are free to ask questions, and I will do my best to answer them.

Generally, I deliver the messages I receive with kindness and often sprinkled with humor. Sometimes, I am very direct and have been accused of “Therapy by Thor.” (the hammer is wrapped in velvet, though 😉)

Please know that I am not everyone’s cup of tea!

I go deep. Shadow Work and denser emotions do not frighten me in the least. I tend to be direct, candid, and intense. Colorful language peppers my sessions, conversations, and my writing. F-bombs drop like flower petals along my path. As the meme says, The Divine felt I needed to come with a warning label, so I was born with red hair. If you have delicate sensibilities, I am not your guide.

It’s not surprising that I seem to attract old souls, Starseeds (and others with a cosmic connection of some kind), people with a deep affinity for ancient cultures (especially Atlantis, Lemuria, and Egypt), writers, artists, creatives, visionaries, rule-breakers, and people who are curious, open, and love to learn and grow and explore. Oh, and they aren’t afraid of the truth, shadows, or to go deep.

“In a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, to be yourself is the greatest accomplishment.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What I DON’T Do:

  • Traditional readings (such as Tarot or other divination tools).
  • Tell fortunes or make predictions.
  • Make decisions for you, or tell you what to do.
  • Contact your deceased loved ones. While I have mediumistic abilities, it’s not my focus. There are others who specialize in this area.
  • Sugar-coat your crap.
  • Wave a magic wand to provide a quick fix.

Instead, my intent is to empower you to be your best self.

  • To show you that you have the answers you need inside of you.
  • To help you get clear on what is going on and provide you with the tools and insights you might need to shift it for the better.

Some of the areas I have helped people with are:

  • Relationships (with a partner, family, work, business, their art/craft/writing/music/etc., and the relationship they have with themselves)
  • Heavy emotions, such as anger, fear, guilt, shame, regret, resentment, and frustration
  • Feelings of anxiety, feeling trapped, feeling safe, feeling lost or stuck, confused or overwhelmed
  • Past life and inner child issues
  • Finding their path
  • Reconnecting with their creative side
  • Interpreting their dreams
  • Changing their job, business, or career to one that fits them better.
  • Wisdom, clarity and direction
  • Life changes
  • Validating the truth, and validating them and their feelings
  • Self-sabotage
  • Writing their book… or why they aren’t writing (what’s getting in the way)
  • Breaking through the resistance (regarding creative projects, life changes, work/business)
  • Numerology for their personal life or their business
  • Job, work, business, career and creative issues

Separating the ‘wheat from the chaff’ is one of my specialties.

My intuition, creative nature, and connection to spirit help me connect the dots, perceive the patterns, feel the energy, and see the issue clearly. It helps me quickly get to the root, heart, and truth of the matter. It also helps me reframe situations so they make more sense to you.

I help you see what’s “not-you” – including all the “shoulds,” “can’ts,” and “don’ts.” Plus, the accumulation of thoughts and beliefs that you’ve taken on over your lifetime that you think are yours but really aren’t (and maybe carried over from other lifetimes).

Whether you are struggling with your work, business, personal life, or creative projects, I can provide you with wise counsel. A new perspective. A sounding board. Clarity. Validation. Practical steps to help you move forward.

I can help you understand yourself and your situation better, cut through the bullshit, dysfunctional behaviors, outmoded stories, beliefs, thought patterns, and other irritating things that hog-tie you, zap your energy, and keep you stuck, so you can get back on track and start moving forward again.

So that you can unapologetically Be You and Do You… and Thrive doing so.

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.”
~ Lewis Carroll


+1(623) 243-7377


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