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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God."
~ Leo Buscaglia
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Welcome to My "K-Files"…

… A deeper dive into the Woo of a few of my favorite modalities and tools, such as Numerology, Past Lives, and Karma.

Over the years, I’ve taught many classes on numerology, past lives, Karma, soulmates, and related topics. These articles I’ve written will provide you with a deeper understanding of numerology and past lives. Get comfy and maybe have a cup of tea or your favorite beverage on hand as you explore them.

Plus, I am gifting you my simple “how to” process for creating protective grids for your home, room, or office. This is something clients and friends ask me for frequently, so I thought I’d offer it to you as well.

You may find these materials useful on your own spiritual and creative journey.

I will add to my K-Files if and when Spirit nudges me to do so.

Introduction to Numerology

Numerology, like astrology, is an ancient technique of understanding who we are and why we are here. While astrology relies on the position of the sun and planets at the exact date, time, and location of your birth, numerology uses the combination of the date of your birth and your full birth name as well as your current name.

Protection Grids

Gridding a House, Property, or Room for Protection

The way I learned to grid a house or property uses four (4) crystals/gemstones. The stones you use may vary depending on the purpose of the protection grid, and why you are creating it.

Is it a general protection, was there an accident, or did something traumatic happen, and you want to clear and neutralize the energy? Maybe you have spirits wandering through, and you would like to keep them out.

Some Thoughts on Reincarnation

I became fascinated with reincarnation as a young teen and read everything I could find on the subject: Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, Jess Stern, Dick Sutphen…

But I didn’t know it could be used as a healing tool until I was older.

From the time I was little, I experienced spontaneous regressions if I visited a place where I had lived before or met someone who figured prominently in a past life of mine. I could also see relevant past lives “overlaid” on people I knew or would meet.


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