Issues around the body, food, work, relationships, love, sex, abandonment, irrational fears, and abuse are frequently carried over from past lives. So are strong beliefs, emotions, and ingrained behavior patterns. Our talents and gifts are carried over, too.
Knowing where to look for the initial cause of the situation allows you to heal the wound at its source. Rather than heal the surface layers while the deeper wound remains waiting to be triggered again. It can also help you to learn the underlying lesson of the situation so you don’t need to repeat it. Yes, it seems we always have lessons to learn, but if you’re like me, it gets frustrating when you keep repeating the same ones over and over!
If part of a Soul’s journey is to experience everything, learn, grow, expand, and evolve, reincarnation and acquiring wisdom and knowledge and “learning lessons” are all part of the process.
Karma is basically the law of cause and effect dealing with the resulting consequences of our thoughts, words, and actions.
No, there are no Lords of Karma handing out punishments and lifetimes worth of sentences.
Our Soul is the judge and jury that determines if we are reaping rewards or undesirable results for how we lived our life. You do indeed reap what you sow.
As I understand it from my studies, Karma has two main categories: “Self-Reward Karma” and “Self-Punishing Karma”.
- Self-Reward Karma is all the good stuff you’ve earned in the past.
- Self-Punishing Karma is the result of doing something disharmonious in the past and you’ve decided to learn the consequences of your actions by experiencing them for yourself. For example, if you misused wealth, you might choose a life of poverty.
All Karma can be considered “self-testing,”… which means you (at your Soul level) create situations to see if you have learned the intended lesson on every level of your body, mind, and spirit.
If you respond to issues and situations with love, compassion, and positive thoughts, and take full responsibility for yourself, you’ll probably ace your test.
If you respond with blame, guilt, shame, and negativity, you are probably not learning the lesson you intended to learn.
Not all Karma is the same. Karma may fall into a few different categories:
- Balancing Karma
Simple cause and effect. Example: You are learning the true value of relationships because of the way you treated others in a past life.
- False-Fear Karma
Caused by a traumatic past-life generates a fear that seems irrational in your current life. Example: you live in the desert yet are terrified of polar bears or the ocean.
- False-Guilt Karma
Caused by taking on responsibility or blame for something that you weren’t responsible for, often involving a traumatic past-life incident. Although blameless and not responsible, you seek self-forgiveness through a karmic burden of some kind.
- Physical Karma
Your attitude or actions from a past life or your misuse of your body result in a corresponding physical affliction or issue in this one. Examples: severe lung problems may have been from a past life as a heavy smoker who died from lung cancer; a large birthmark may be the result of a serious past life injury.
- Developed Ability Karma
The talents, gifts, knowledge, abilities, and awareness you acquired and mastered from other lifetimes stay with you… lifetime after lifetime. All or some of these may be active or dormant in your current life.
It is interesting to note that False-Fear and False-Guilt Karma are the easiest the resolve through past life regression or past life readings. Once you understand the origin of the fear, the guilt, or the cause of the problem, you can see how it no longer applies. You can heal it and let it go. That was what happened in my story about my marriage. It was False-Guilt Karma from that lifetime in ancient Persia that I was holding onto.
In addition to the Karma that you were born with to work through and hopefully resolve in your current life, you continue to create harmonious and disharmonious Karma every day. And you can balance it every day through your thoughts and actions. You may also be able to reactivate talents and abilities that you had in other lifetimes. The gift may be latent but it is not lost.
It is said that Wisdom erases Karma, and that the Law of Grace supersedes Karma. If you respond with love, grace, and mercy, the same will be given to you. Forgiveness (usually for yourself) is often the key to clearing your Karma.