In the Ho’oponopono practice, you are clearing or cleaning yourself of subconscious garbage – programs that run your life without your participation. Through Ho’oponopono, you are healing the part of you that created the imbalances.
The Ho’oponopono process consists of repetitions of the following phrases:
- I Love You
- Please forgive me
- I am sorry
- Thank you
By repeating these phrases, you ignite the self-transformation process.
Here’s an example of how I use it:
Here’s one of mine for self-forgiveness:
“I love you, Karen. I am sorry that I hurt you by letting them take advantage and manipulate you, then beating you up over it, and allowing it to disempower you. Please forgive me. Thank you."
Now it’s your turn. Say out loud:
I love you (your name)
I’m sorry I hurt you (You can add specifics here if you want regarding a person or situation, although it isn’t necessary. Your soul and memory banks know what needs to be forgiven)
Please forgive me
Thank you
Repeat this like a mantra until you really feel the emotion or energy moving.
You may cry or yawn. This shows you it is moving out of your energy field.
Keep repeating this over and over until the emotion fully moves out and you feel lighter. You may even notice a smile forming on your face.
When I am clearing deep, dense emotions like guilt, shame, and humiliation, I can hardly speak the words because I am sobbing. If this happens, great!
Keep repeating whether you are sobbing through it or whispering because you have lost your voice.
You can stop when that lighter feeling comes over you. You’ve shifted the issue.
At the end of the forgiveness exercise, I like to replace the energy that was released with white light, gold light, or the energy of unconditional love.
Simply stating this is sufficient. Or you can imagine the light entering your crown chakra at the top of your head and moving through every cell of your body.
Here are a couple of other examples.
I Love you (person’s name you wish forgiveness from)
I'm sorry that I hurt you (or killed you) in other lifetimes.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
You repeat this over and over until it brings up the emotions that need to be released.
Continue through the emotions... even if you can barely get the words out.
Continue until you feel a shift or release.
Then take a deep breath and imagine you are replacing the energy you released with love.
You may need to do several rounds of this with each person you wish forgiveness from (either for something you did to them or thought about them…
or your part in whatever they were doing to you),
or each situation before it feels "clear".
Then start on yourself... (Looking in the mirror can speed up the process, but isn't necessary).
So for yourself you'd say something like:
“I love you (your name). I am sorry that I hurt you by doing ____ and then feeling guilty, judging you harshly and punishing you, and holding on to it for lifetimes. Please forgive me. Thank you."
Keep repeating the statement as it brings up the emotions that need to be cleared.
Sometimes, a session takes 5 minutes, sometimes longer.
And you can do it every day, releasing and healing it in manageable bits.
When you no longer have any emotion or body reaction to the words, it has shifted.
When you get triggered by anything during the day just repeat the simple phrases over and over to “reset” you to your inner true nature.
I love you
I’m sorry I hurt you
Please forgive me
Thank you.
The understanding behind the process (if you are interested in the “why” of things) is based on the acknowledgment or awareness that you are 100% responsible for everything in your life… the mistakes, messes, and successes.
It also means if someone somewhere did something and you became aware of that – you are 100% responsible for that awareness (but not the thing that they did, they are responsible for that).
The purpose of Ho’oponopono is not to make you feel guilty or disempower you in any way. Quite the opposite is true. It is to remind you of what a powerful creator you are.
Ho’oponopono is clearing a path for you to reconcile with yourself and return back to your true inner nature and your Soul/Spirt connection. When you return to this core level, everything becomes available to you, effortlessly. And once again, you allow the Divine aspect of you to inspire and guide your life, instead of your ego drive.