Yes, we are back in the powerful 8-vibration for 2024
The 8-vibration is about:
Abundance, Power, Appreciation, Prosperity, Recognition, Success, Leadership, Fame, Wealth, Problem-solving, Organizing, Potential, and Material Mastery.
According to numerology, we live our lives in a series of 9-year cycles, each building upon the last as we spiral into our understanding of self.
The previous Universal 8-Year was in 2015.
The balancing act with the 8-vibration is often between
following Ego...
Categories: Numerology, Responsibility, Manifesting, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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Abundance. Yeah, the word is over-used today.
Sometimes it feels like a buzz word to me.
Yet the word is steeped in rich layers of meaning.
The dictionary defines is as a large or great quantity.
Other words that describe parts of its essence are: profusion, plenty, richness, plethora, excess, lavish, copious, prosperity, fortune, wealth.
Its opposite is lack and scarcity.
Can you live a simple and abundant life?
Can you be fabulously wealthy...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Manifesting, Beliefs, Receiving, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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Welcome to the wonderful world of the 8 vibration...
and the 2015 overview part 2
The 8 vibration blows open the door to infinite potential...
if you approach the vibration from a higher state of being. (as you may notice, when the 8 is on its side it forms an infinity symbol... no coincidence there my dears!)
Which means allowing Spirit to guide!
Surrendering to your higher power, higher-self, spirit.
Yeah. I know.
Categories: Numerology, Self-Acceptance, Manifesting, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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Happy New Year Beautiful Beings!
With the New Year comes a New Cycle in the vibrational world of numerology.
(According to numerology, we live our lives in a series of 9 year cycles, each building upon the last as we spiral into our understanding of self.)
2015 heralds the 8 vibration of material mastery with spiritual guidance.
Which means we will be playing in the energy of the 8 vibration all year long!
The 8...
Categories: Numerology, Self-Care, Manifesting, Beliefs, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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Welcome to August and the energy of the 8 vibration, the number of material mastery.
The majestic 8 vibration also resonates with Abundance, Power, Recognition, Success, Organization, and Problem-solving.
Are you ready to deal with the ins and outs of this dynamic month?
July had a bit of a laid back feel to it, unless you were resisting the 7s desire for time outs and retreating from the activities.
August likes the action...
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Self-Acceptance, Manifesting, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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