Seuss, is one of my teachers.
He is also a Tuxedo cat with more than a little Siamese in him.
He’s a talker, and loves to vocalize,
especially in places where he can create an echo effect and magnify his voice.
He’s playful and affectionate.
He is also finicky, stubborn and a bit of a drama king.
And most of all, he is a teacher for me,
if I let him… or more accurately... if...
Categories: Healing, Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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October is a 1 vibration and starts a new cycle-within-a-cycle for the 7 vibration.
In January, also a 1 vibration, we start the new full cycle into a 8 vibration for 2015.
The number 1 is about Individuality, New Beginnings, Leadership, Creativity, Ideas, Inventions, Organization, and Independence.
Like the energy of the new moon, the 1 vibration is a great time to start or launch something new.
However, we will be dealing with a Mercury...
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Moons, Empowerment, Transformation
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