November is a 2 vibration, according to numerology, which is about:
Different Perspectives, Duality, Polarity, Peace, Cooperation, Collaboration, Partnerships, Relationships, Balance, Patience, Compromise, and creating Win-Win Scenarios.
Since November is the 11th month of the year, we also have the subtle undertones of the “creative visionary” Master Number 11 working the with the 2 energy.
This brings in the additional aspects of Creativity, Vision, Justice, Confidence, and Diplomacy.
So pay attention to your dreams and...
Categories: Numerology, Healing, Self-Acceptance, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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Some thoughts on this full moon from a numerology perspective.
My friend Sharon Hess asked me to comment on the Super Moon tonight.
I usually let my astrologer friends do this.
However, when I looked at the vibration of the date I realize there is another piece of information that might help you.
The energy is intense...
Be prepared to feel deeply - even if you have no clue where it is coming from.
Categories: Numerology, Energy, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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