Yes, we are back in the powerful 8-vibration for 2024
The 8-vibration is about:
Abundance, Power, Appreciation, Prosperity, Recognition, Success, Leadership, Fame, Wealth, Problem-solving, Organizing, Potential, and Material Mastery.
According to numerology, we live our lives in a series of 9-year cycles, each building upon the last as we spiral into our understanding of self.
The previous Universal 8-Year was in 2015.
The balancing act with the 8-vibration is often between
following Ego...
Categories: Numerology, Responsibility, Manifesting, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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March’s playful, lighter, 3 vibration energy was nudging you to reconnect to and nurture your inner child.
Did you allow yourself fun and playtime in March? Did you experience more authentic self-expression? Did you tap into your creative essence more deeply or regularly?
I hope so!
Because now it's time to switch gears and get down to business!
Even though we still have a Cosmic Slowdown in effect, thanks to Mercury Retrograde. Even though Mercury will go...
Categories: Numerology, Responsibility, Self-Care, Grounding, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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January 2017 is a powerful month since both January and 2017 are 1 Vibrations.
The potential of the 1 vibration doubles to help you to kick-start your new year.
You may feel like you can tackle anything right now, since the 1 brings in a wave of confidence and positivity.
The energy of January -- and all of 2017 -- is inviting you to step into new beginnings and be open to new growth.
Categories: Numerology, Responsibility, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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Over-working, overwhelm, confusion, stress, worry, anger, frustration, avoiding, numbing, escaping, running, hiding, denying, distractions …
all are neon signs of life out of balance.
Why is your life out of balance?
Where are you hobbling yourself?
Why are you doing this to yourself?
Why the pain and struggle?
Why do you think or believe or need it to be hard… be a struggle?
Yeah. Sometimes the good work can be hard. But every blessed day...
Categories: Healing, Responsibility, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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I’ve done some things in my life that I am not proud of.
Guess that comes with being human!
Spirit has guided me to share something that I realize that I am still healing within myself.
It feels heavy to me.
After all these years of holding it in a dark cavern, it was still weighing heavily on me.
Only I was totally unaware that it was even still there hiding and...
Categories: Numerology, Healing, Love, Responsibility, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Angels, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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