I know the holidays can be a crazy, busy time of the year.
Therefore I give you permission...
- to put YOU on the top of your “to do” list,
- to gift yourself with some extra rest and downtime,
- and to fully realize that you don’t have to do it all (even if you think you should be able to!).
When you feel yourself starting to stress or worry, here’s a tip that...
Categories: Healing, Gratitude, Self-Care, Clarity, Energy, Empowerment, Transformation
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Personally, I used to have a hard time saying no... that's why the quote below struck a chord with me.
Perhaps it will with you too.
"IT"’s OK to Say No
If you’ve ever found yourself saying “yes” too often, this is your friendly reminder that it’s OK to say “no."
Before you say “yes” ask yourself if what you’re saying “yes” to is truly in your highest good and will bring more joy (and...
Categories: Love, Responsibility, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Clarity, Empowerment
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Have you see the beautiful full moon tonight?
This is the Full Beaver Moon (Native American) and it is happening tomorrow morning (November 17th) in the sign of Taurus.
What are you ready to release?
What are you tired of dragging around (person, place, thing, belief, habit, etc.)?
What would make your life fuller, richer and more potent if you could just let go of it?
Fill in the blanks:
If I could just...
Categories: Healing, Self-Care, Moons, Self-Awareness, Transformation
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October was about creating something new, and expressing ideas, individuality, innovation and leadership in some way. Also finding a balance between ego and your higher guidance.
Now we move into November which is a 2 vibration. The number 2 is about Duality, Cooperation, Collaboration, Partnerships, Relationships, Balance, and Patience.
If October was about getting clear on what you wish to create, do or be going forward, and in a way, being captain of your own...
Categories: Numerology, Love, Self-Care, Beliefs, Receiving, Transformation
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