With the second New Moon of December to help us usher in a bright New Year, be aware of what it is you’d like to be, do, have, and create in 2025.
Over the next few days, I invite you to reflect, acknowledge, and release 2024.
To do this, I invite you to
REFLECT on the last year with an open heart and open mind.
RECEIVE all of 2024... from the Yuck to the Yum.
Categories: Gratitude, Intuition, Self-Care, Receiving, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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Abundance. Yeah, the word is over-used today.
Sometimes it feels like a buzz word to me.
Yet the word is steeped in rich layers of meaning.
The dictionary defines is as a large or great quantity.
Other words that describe parts of its essence are: profusion, plenty, richness, plethora, excess, lavish, copious, prosperity, fortune, wealth.
Its opposite is lack and scarcity.
Can you live a simple and abundant life?
Can you be fabulously wealthy...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Manifesting, Beliefs, Receiving, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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When my guides told me the primary theme for this November, I laughed and shook my head.
There was probably an eye roll or two involved as well.
Cultivate Patience
Much of the world feels like it is walking a tightrope.
Tempers are flaring.
People are cracking under stress and strain.
Weird shit is going down on a daily basis.
Nature is having a hissy fit at us humans.
And many people I come...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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The angels tell me that this month the primary focus is on your personal power: taking your power back, standing in your power, and owning your power.
What does standing in your power mean?
It requires trusting yourself, having confidence in what you know to be true for you.
When you stand in your power, you’re not negating anyone else or being swayed and sucked into their drama.
August is a powerful month ripe with...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Beliefs, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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My Best Friend died a year ago today. March 31, 2016; his sister let me know that day.
I thought I handled it well.
Was I shocked and surprised?
My best friend was gone.
John was gone.
Someone who had been an important part of my life for most of my life had left the stage. Final curtain.
It took a while for the reality to settle in.
Things I wanted to say...
Categories: Gratitude, Self-Awareness
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