Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Tom Flores

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Friday, October 4, 2013
New Moon Alert! Yes, it is tonight (October 4) - adding another dash of creation mojo to the energy swirling around all month long. What is it you really want? Do you know? Don't think it through or over think it... now is the time to listen to your heart, your gut, your Spirit.  And according to forecast posted at The Power Path School of Shamanism (www.thepowerpath.com): "Even though it may be difficult to focus...
Categories: Manifesting, Clarity, Beliefs, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment Read Full Post
by Karen M. Winkelman Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Is that a collective sigh of relief I hear? After September’s 9-energy of completion and letting go, many of you may be relieved to hear the October ushers in the energy of new beginnings and of manifesting what you focus on. September was a 9 vibrational month and was centered on completion, letting go, truth, integrity, compassion and forgiveness. It seems to have had more juice than other Septembers and I feel part of it...
Categories: Numerology, Energy, Empowerment Read Full Post
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