Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Tom Flores

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Monday, August 26, 2013
If you have been following along with the Saga of Seuss that has been unfolding since last fall, you know that Seuss is a male tuxedo cat, the current feline elder in our household (he’ll be 15 the end of September!), who was diagnosed with a thyroid tumor about 2 years ago. He’s part Siamese so he has that surreal cry and talks… a lot. And he’s a Scorpio to boot! ‘The Seuss Report’ Here’s...
Categories: Healing Read Full Post
by Karen M. Winkelman Thursday, August 22, 2013
There was a quote today from Transformational Author, Christine Kloser, that inspired me to write this post. "Give “It” Up. There’s some “it” in your life that you’re holding onto that simply doesn’t serve you.  Maybe it’s a negative thought or a habit that isn’t in your highest interest. Whatever that thing is, see if you can take one step towards giving it up today. Consider writing a letter to it. Thank it for serving...
Categories: Healing, Gratitude, Self-Care, Beliefs Read Full Post
by Karen M. Winkelman Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Blessings to you on this beautiful August night! Can you feel the full moon energy? This one is in the air sign of Aquarius... and we're still in the Fire sign Leo. Air and Fire with the watery moon.   Air is the mind, fire is energey, water is emotions. How may this combination be playing out for you right now. What is coming up to the surface telling you it is time to let this...
Categories: Numerology, Energy Read Full Post
by Karen M. Winkelman Thursday, August 1, 2013
Welcome to August, the hot days of Summer (ridiculously hot here in Arizona!) and the mighty number 8 vibration! Switching gears from July's 7 vibration see-saw of head vs. heart, logic vs. intuition, to August’s energy of material supply you may find the shift to be a bit dizzying. July was a communication challenge for many (primarily because of Mercury retrograde for most of the month). Yet many of my clients and people in my classes talked...
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Responsibility, Self-Acceptance, Manifesting Read Full Post
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