Yes. You. Do. You Matter!
Probably more than you realize.
And that's ok. It's kinda cute.
You are the reason I do the work that I do.
And I want you to know something else.
You are amazing.
Yes. Really. Truly.
You may feel like a hot mess,
and yet,
you are still an expression of the Divine.
I know it’s hard to remember your Divinity and connection to Source when you are spinning out...
Categories: Healing, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Receiving, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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2015 is proving to be one wild ride after another. And August amped it up another notch or two.
Can you catch your breath?
Do you find yourself focusing on what’s lacking in your life rather than appreciating what you do have?
You’re not alone.
When we want to change or fix our circumstances, we tend to zero in on all the stuff that isn’t working and all the assorted missing bits.
If your mindset...
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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Or why life seems like it is spinning out of control and you don’t know which end is up anymore.
First, let me assure you that you are not alone in this.
Cosmic forces are helping us shed long held patterns and let go of some of the baggage we’ve held on to for, oh, Lifetimes!
It can be crazy making. You may feel like you are losing your mind.
And it may be painful...
Categories: Healing, Clarity, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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