Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first."
~ Frederick Wilcox

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Friday, August 28, 2015

Girl holding her head with the words: where are you experieincing lack in your life2015 is proving to be one wild ride after another. And August amped it up another notch or two.

Can you catch your breath?

Do you find yourself focusing on what’s lacking in your life rather than appreciating what you do have?

You’re not alone.

When we want to change or fix our circumstances, we tend to zero in on all the stuff that isn’t working and all the assorted missing bits.

If your mindset is sitting squarely in lack when your affirmations are proclaiming your abundance, you may be creating an impasse!

The 8 vibration we’ve been dealing with all year long is amplified this month because August is an 8 vibration month in an 8 vibration year.

Double trouble perhaps?

It depends on how you’ve been dealing with – or not dealing with – issues surrounding money, success, health, responsibility, power, ego, and recognition.

Yes, the 8 is the number of power, fame and fortune. The number of material mastery. and a symbol for heaven and earth as well as infinity.

The 8 vibrates with Pure Potential.

Yet, the heat might get turned up if you are not looking at your key issues around finances, lack, appreciation, giving your power away, being seen and heard, and material mastery in general – mastering life in this physical reality in your physical body.

The energy this month offers you a different way of looking at your life and what is currently going on in your world.

My August video may help you make sense of what is going on and provide you with insight and guidance.

What’s Lacking?

My guides tell me the theme this month centers around Lack.

Abundance is the essence of the 8 vibration. So it makes sense that’s it’s opposite – Lack – might be presenting itself in living color and loudly poking at you.

So……… Where are you feeling lack?

This applies to all areas of your life. Not just your finances.

Where are you experiencing Lack? Where is Lack showing up in Your Life?

Some common areas that feelings of lack might be weighing you down are:

Love, career, work, business, home, spirituality, family, friends, respect, power, time, respect, boundaries, money, relationships, health, clarity, direction, meaning, knowing, trusting, believing, faith, understanding, and connection with anything and everything.

The list can go on.

Instead of sinking into your personal pit of despair over this, simply become aware.

This awareness will help you shift it.

So don’t you be giving in to the voices in your head that tell you “why bother”.

Instead, Pause and Notice where you feel a sense of lack (check both your inner and your outer life). Something you wish was there but just don’t feel it, see it, trust it or believe it.

You may be feeling it in more than one area of life. And that’s OK.

No judgments.

By being aware of where you a feeling lack helps you turn it around and receive your abundance.

The Magic of Appreciation

Start by stepping into appreciation for everything you have and all that you are. Remember to be gentle with yourself and love yourself through the rough bits!little girl with wings and wand: "the Magic of Appreciation"

An current example from my life:

We had some kitty potty misbehavior and had to tear up carpeting in a couple of rooms. Every time I see the concrete floors I have a choice to focus on the lack of beautiful flooring and the naughty kitties, and keep that energy active in my house. Or I can focus on all the beauty in my house and be in total appreciation for it.

The act of being in appreciation for what you do have and who you are – right here – right now – activates your ability to draw more of your abundance to you.

Being in a state of appreciation and gratitude lifts your vibration out of the dank pit of lack, allowing you to focus your energy on manifesting what you really want.

When you focus on the lack, you get to experience more of it. Crappy, huh!

So for more peace of mind start consciously going through your day appreciating things.

Fill your mind and your thoughts and your energy with all the good you already have. More will come your way.

Some Celestial Reminders and Subtle (ornot so subtle!) Cosmic Effects to Keep in Mind:

The energy on the planet is intense right now as the cosmos helps us to become aware of the things that are no longer working for us.

This month we have both Venus and Uranus in retrograde. Both planets deal with aspects on the 8 vibration which we are steeped in all year.

  • Venus retrograde from July 25th - September 6th

  • Uranus Retrograde from July 26th - December 25th

  • New Moon is on the 14th

  • Full Moon on the 29th

  • Early warning: Mercury will go retro again on September 17th – so mark your calendars now!

If you want more details on what it means when Uranus is retrograde, Alex Myles has written a  great article on it.


The Light and the Shadow

Numbers, like just about everything else here on planet Earth have their version of duality as well.

The Light Side of the 8 vibration radiates all the positive aspects of abundance: fame, power, fortune, personal power, wealth, prosperity, charitable, wise, abundant, success, leadership, executive ability, spiritual, kind, considerate, courageous, helpful, humanitarian, perceptive, charming, ambitious, reliable, expanding, inspiring, creating systems/order, prioritizing, organizing, problem-solving, potential and potency.

piggy bank with words describing the Light Side if the 8 vibrationpiggy bank with words describing the shadow side of the 8 vibration









The shadow of the 8 is steeped in impatience (for self & others), gets very indignant, bossy, digs in her stilettos, gets over-indulgent, off-balance, manipulates, and succumbs to frustration, depression, vanity, jealousy, deception, chaos, and materialistic pursuits. The shadow displays the need to control, behaves egotistically and inconsistently and experiences financial instability.

When you find yourself in the Shadow, turn on the Light… pick an aspect of the 8 vibration that radiates the higher vibration for you to focus on or emulate.


Some Questions to Ponder orJournal About:

What does your soul want, your heart want?

What does your intuition and gut tell you?

How is lack showing up in your life?

What can you start appreciating today?

How are you handling your money?

How are you appreciating your money?

Where are you being recognized and acknowledged for your work/contribution?

Where are you not being recognized and acknowledged for your work/contribution?

Where are you giving your power away?

When and how do you give your power away?

What do you need to get organized?

What clutter can you clear up?

Where are you rejecting the energy of money and material things?

Where are you judging material things a somehow less than the spiritual elements of life?

What problems or challenges might you look at from a different perspective to truly solve them?

What problems are you facing that are really an opportunity in disguise if you are willing to delve into it without fear?

What is calling for you to be courageous?

Where are you lacking direction?

Where or when do you feel financially insecure?

What would you like to succeed at?

How do you define success? What does success mean to you?

What does Power and Personal Power mean to you?

Bottom Line

This month, pay attention to where you are feeling lack in any aspect of your life and switch to appreciation instead. Appreciation for what you do have rather than focusing on what you don’t have.

State your desires in positive ways. Look for signs. Ask for signs.

And no matter what be kind and gentle with yourself.

with love and blessings... and deep appreciation for You!





PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts on how the energy is showing up for you... share in the comments area below!

PPS. Please share my blog post and help me be of service to others Thanks a bunch!

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Friday, August 28, 2015 7:41 PM
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Self-Acceptance, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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