Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret."
~ Earl Nightingale

Past Life Regressions & Spiritual Hypnosis Services

Past Life Therapy has been one of my favorite ways to shift the dynamics of an issue and heal old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve your highest good.

A Past Life Session may be right for you if…

  • You have something going on in your life that makes no sense or seems to come out of the blue
  • You keep repeating the same thing over and over again, even if the cast is different, the plot is the same
  • You have anxiety or an irrational fear
  • You are drawn to or repelled by someone for no logical reason
  • You are hitting the wall in working through a relationship issue (personal or professional)
  • You sabotaged yourself, don’t allow yourself to go for what you really want in life, or you seem to be unable to stand up for yourself or express your true self
  • You’re curious about who you might have been in a past life

Past Life Regressions & Spiritual Hypnosis

Using Spiritual Hypnotherapy Regression techniques, you will return to a past life that is affecting your current life so that you can resolve it and heal it. You can decide to go back to the root cause of a relationship issue, situation, fear, anxiety or specific behavior pattern in your life to gain a better understanding of why this is happening. They say wisdom erases Karma.

We will work together with your higher-self, angels and guides to determine what is needed to heal and release old traumas and Karma that you are still dealing with in this life. If forgiveness is needed, we can do that work while in you are in a Higher-Self hypnotic state. You can also ask for and receive additional insights and guidance so you can let go of the past and move forward with joy and ease.

A Past Life Regression and Spiritual Hypnosis session is generally 90-120 minutes.

Single Session fee: $225 (in person or by phone)

Past Life Healing Package: Package $625 for three (3) 90-120 minute sessions, paid in advance. This is a combination of Past Life Regressions and Counseling to help you integrate the shifts you’ve made. (Sessions need to be used with 60-days)

Past Life Readings

By connecting to your higher-self and guides, I can provide you with information on a past life that is influencing your current life so you can understand the situation better and heal it. No hypnosis involved. You can ask for past life information on a specific person or situation, or you can let Spirit guide the session and provide information on 1 to 3 lives that are currently affecting this life. You receive intuitive counseling and guidance.

Single Session fee: $180 (by phone or Zoom)

Other Spiritual Hypnosis Sessions

In addition to Past Life Regressions, Readings and Spiritual Hypnosis, I offer several other Spiritual Hypnosis Sessions

Soul Fragment Retrieval & Integration: Spiritual Hypnosis can also help with re-integrating soul fragments that may have split off during extreme trauma in this or another lifetime.

Meet Your Soul Group & Soul Family: We all have Soul Groups we belong to. Sometimes we incarnate with others in our soul group and often members of our Soul Group are working with us on a Spiritual level or other dimensional level. Soul Groups are often working together on a specific mission that each member contributes to. Our Soul Family are the people in our lives that we continually reincarnate with to work with and help each other grow and evolve.

Progression to Future Self: Through hypnosis you will journey to meet a future version of yourself – either in your current lifetime or in a future lifetime.

Soul Journey In-Between Lifetimes: Through Spiritual Hypnosis techniques, you go back to the time just before your current incarnation. You may explore what your life was like in this in-between time. You may also explore how you designed your current life, what you wanted to learn and experience for your Soul’s growth and healing.

Parallel Life Soul Journey: It is believed that our Soul has multiple incarnations happening at the same time. Your Soul might be working through you as well as being a 6 year old boy in India and an 80 year old woman in Russia.

Single Session Spiritual Hypnosis fee: $225 (in person or by phone)

For more information on the topic, continue reading here: Reincarnation, Karma and Past Lives

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