Anyone else feel like September was like having a full moon plus an eclipse happening every damn day all month long?
Crazy Intense Energy with occasional Microbursts!
September’s 9 vibration presented us with endings, completions, reassessments, clearing clutter (physical, mental, digital), taking a hard look at what’s working what’s not, and letting go… or preparing to let go.
Many of the shifts and stresses that showed up had to do with one or more of your relationships (including the one you have with yourself), since we are in a 2-year.
It may have required forgiveness (the 9 vibe), letting go of how you thought it should be (the 9 again), and also seeing things from a different perspective and finding a win-win compromise (the 2 vibe).
Another aspect of September’s energy was asking you to learn (or be willing to learn) to be comfortable with not really knowing what comes next, but knowing things as they are just isn’t cutting it anymore.
And yeah, that is very unsettling.
And possibly triggering you in ways you don’t understand.
In tune with the 9 vibe of September, I cleared out a bunch of clutter from my house.
I also moved out of my office, again.
Two office moves in one year.
The Universe is definitely trying to tell me something.
Oddly, I feel totally at peace with this.
It feels like a door closed and another is poised to open.
I feel a bit excited to see what might be on the other side!
I also had a lot of family stuff going on, including our cat Dexter preparing us for his departure. And boy can he be annoying in the process!
I have to remind myself that he is a stubborn old man in cat years (he’s 18), but he thinks he’s still the baby.
And that his cuteness means he can get away with bad bathroom habits.
Never did I think I would need plastic covers on my furniture!
Yeah, Dexter is a bit delusional, among other things. (Delusion and Illusion are both shadow elements of 2018’s 11 energy that is closely tied to the 2.)
Those of you who have worked with me or known me for a while may have met Dexter, especially when I had my office in my house years ago. He loved to help with the healing process!
Now we shift from the 9’s spotlight on what no longer is working well or has run its course
to October’s 1 vibration of what do you want instead.
October is a 1 vibration month. The primary essence of the number 1 includes Beginnings, Creativity, Ideas, Originality, Inventive, Individualistic, Leadership, Organization Positivity, and Independent.
Other Aspects of the 1 vibration are: intelligence, inspiring, courage, proud, possibilities, opening, initiation/initiating, development, methodical, determined, authoritative, assertive, healthy ego, self-focused, opportunity, manifesting, and intention.
And because October is the 10th month of the year, you also have the subtle manifesting energy of the number 10 working behind the scenes.
This is a good news/bad news vibration, as the number 10 is the Wheel of Fortune – whatever you focus on you bring to you.
So if you are stuck in worry or lack, then more of that energy of worry and lack show up. ARRGH!
So this month (and really, every month) be the thought police for yourself.
Don’t go crazy thinking “cancel, cancel” or “erase, erase” every time you catch yourself in those yucky places in your mind.
Because when you do that “cancel erase” shtick it just puts even more energy towards what you don’t want.
Sucks huh!
No, instead of throwing more fuel into your negative mind chatter, just acknowledge the thought and let it float away like a bubble.
Then think about what you do want.
Appreciate the things you do have.
Gratitude and appreciation really help you raise your vibe to a more attractive manifesting place.
So if September was like an immersion in full-moon releasing energy all month long (whew),
October will be more like being immersed in creative new moon energy all month long.
I wish I could tell you that the intensity of the energy on beautiful planet Earth will calm down and move from a category 3 hurricane to a light breeze, but that would be delusional and misleading.
The energy is amped up for a reason and that is to help us strip away the old programming, the outdated systems, and all the things you cling to that are really not part of who you really are… just something you picked up along your journey.
We started a new 9-year cycle in 2017 that was about coming home to you,
...then moving into self-mastery (fingers crossed)
...and ultimately, the end goal of self-sovereignty.
You’re on the path.
You might be kicking and screaming because things aren’t working the way they used to.
And that’s because they have to crumble to make way for the new.
On the bright side, this is a month ripe with creative energy.
If you’re an artist or any kind, you can tap into this and boost your creative expression.
If art isn’t your thing, this creative energy can be harnessed to help you create what you want in life, career, business…
or at least get you moving in that direction.
That’s why when I tapped into the energy and asked my guides what the theme for this October was, the message I received was: Step Forward
Yes! It is time for you to step forward in one or more areas of your life.
It can be a baby step or a giant step or something in between.
Your choice.
“Ahh,” you say, “but what is my first step?”
Your first step is to commit fully to moving forward and being open to whatever that next step is.
The step doesn’t reveal itself until you make a decision to take that step into the unknown.
And that, my friends, is one of the hardest things for adult humans to do.
Take a step without knowing what the step is, what it entails, if it will hurt, if you can really do it, or if you will make a fool of yourself, or if you will fail (or succeed).
I totally understand. I get this way too.
Yet kids leap into the unknown all the time.
They call it play.
We, on the other hand, might feel the need to control, which gets in the way of creating anything new.
Maybe this month you let your adventurous inner child out to play more.
The next part of October’s theme is designed to help you take a Step Forward…
Be Inspired
Show up for yourself
So I ask you to sit with both of those things…
Be Inspired
- What does it mean to be inspired?
- How does it feel to be inspired?
- What inspires you?
- How can you add more of that into your daily life?
Show up for yourself
- What does show up for yourself mean?
- Does it feel selfish?
- Are you better at showing up for others then yourself? If so, why?
- Do you self-abandon, thinking others are more important that you?
- Do you put yourself last on your list?
- What do you currently do to show up for yourself?
- What one thing can you do to show up for yourself?
Now sit with taking a Step Forward…
- What’s the first thing that comes to mind?
- What would you like to do or have?
- What vision or goal did you create at the beginning of the year? Is it time to take a step forward into that… or maybe shift course a bit?
- If you knew you would succeed, what is it you wish to do or create?
- Are you willing to commit to moving forward in one or more areas of your life now?
- Which areas?
Decide to take that baby step or leap forward now…
trusting that the right opportunity will appear, the step will be revealed and the new adventure begins…
be sure to dump your attachment to what it looks like!
Ready, set, go…
If it helps, you can say one of my favorite affirmations as you take that step (or contemplate taking that step):
“Things are always working out for me!”
You can do it.
I believe in you.
Have courage.
And now a quick glimpse at the shadow elements of the 1 vibration…
The Shadow Side of the 1 vibration may show up as:
- Overthinking … this will keep you stuck or spinning, unable to take the Step Forward
- Controlling… demanding or pushing to make something happen (understand this is simply ego or fear) driving
- Impatience & frustration – especially with the 2 vibration of 2018 having this as a shadow element too
- Hypersensitive, blocked, and fearful… this will get in your way of moving forward.
- Stubborn… Digging your heels in, holding on to things that aren’t working, stuck in resistance
If you slip into the shadows, that’s ok. It happens for a reason, to make you aware of where you are holding fear.
When you realize you are exhibiting shadow elements, stop what you’re doing and take a nice deep breath.
If you put your hand on your heart, it shifts your attention from your head and crappy thoughts.
Take 3 deep breaths – inhale slowly and exhale slowly.
Imagine a pink light surrounding your heart space and your thoughts as you do this. Imagine the fear, resistance and any other undesirable behavior floating away in that bubble of pink light.
Imagine filling yourself with the light of unconditional love or joy. I like to use gold light, but you can choose whatever feels good to you.
I invite you to then think about what you would like your life to be like instead of whatever was going on that sent you into the shadow.
Now what one small thing can you do today to take you in that direction?
Step fearlessly into that uncomfortable territory of the unknown. For that is where your growth and opportunities await you.
Bottom Line
~ Allow ideas to flow.
~ October is ripe with creation energy: the ideas, innovation and individuality and leadership of the 1 plus the element of Spirit (0). This means you can create what you focus your thoughts and energy on.
~ Be sure you are focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want!
~ Become inspired, find things that inspire you, seek to inspire others.
And please be gentle and compassionate with yourself!
Create a forward moving and inspiring month! And Happy Halloween!
With love and appreciation for you,

Thanks in advance for liking and sharing my posts if you feel guided to!
PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!
If you'd like to know your personal numerology, or if you'd like some support with whatever stressors you are dealing with, I'd love to work with you if we're a fit. You can contact me here
PPS. Note: Parts of this blog post appeared on my monthly numerology post on Sunny Dawn Johnston's website.