This year the Universal Energy is a 6 vibration.
If you've heard me talk about the "vibration we are awash in throughout 2013" topic over the past month, you will likely remember that the 6 vibration is all about LOVE.
Which isn't necessarily going to be a sunshine and lollipops kind of year. It will, however, be bringing in many opportunities to love -- yourself and others.
So I was thrilled when my friend Julie Feinstein Adams -- aka The Matchmaking Maven -- asked me to write a guest post for her blog. I wrote an article all about the 6 vibration of Love this year, and what it means to you.
The article ("A Return to Love: What the energy of 2013 has in store for you") just came out today (Monday 2/18). You can read it on Julie's Matchmaking Maven Blog here:
And while you're at it, check out what Julie has to offer. She is an amazing dating strategist and coach, as well as a relationship and communications expert. She helps people get their act together so they can attract their ideal partner. Her passion is helping self-aware and creative single women and men learn how to date more effectively so that they can create a committed relationship and build the partnerships and families their heart desires.
I hope you find the tips and insights into 2013 and the love vibration helpful.
Blessings and Love to you!