"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." - Anonymous

Obstacles are opportunities in disguise...
They let you know where you are wobbly on your path,
and where you may not believe it is possible, or
where you might have a hidden conflict
(wanting it and not wanting it at the same time... yes, we do that!).
When you are confronted with an obstacle, ask:
"What is this perceived obstacle really about?"
"What is it here to teach me, remind me of, support me in a way I didn't see before?"
When you focus on the obstacle you give it power.
When you try to "power through" or push through, or go around the obstacle, it will return in a new form.
The obstacle is a teacher and holds valuable information for you if you are willing to confront it and explore it.
Awareness dissolves the obstacles and reveals more of the path for you.
Obstacles can become stepping stones to new heights for you if you let them!
love & blessings,