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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"What I think and feel and what I get are always a match. And so, if I want something different than what I've been getting, I have to, somehow, generate different feelings."
~ Abraham-Hicks
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Navigating 2012 by Your Numbers - Part 2

by Karen M. Winkelman

Friday, February 17, 2012

I've already covered personal year numbers 1 - 4 in a previous post. As a refresher, here is a brief overview of personal years 1-4:

1 Year: New Beginnings, Individuality & Leadership

2 Year: Duality, Cooperation & Collaboration

3 Year: Enjoyment, Socializing & Self-Expression

4 Year: Focus, Work & Foundation-building

Now let’s get into the personal year numbers 5 - 7

If you are in a 5 Year: Freedom, Flexibility & Change

You are in your element this year with the universal energy of 5 amplifying and supporting your 5 personal year. The challenge for you will be to focus… you may be flitting form one thing to the next – so be careful you don’t succumb to bright shiny object syndrome. Prepare yourself for many exciting and surprising occurrences. Travel and vacation is in order. Romance plays an important role. You could be very successful in any endeavor where communication is involved. Anything you start at the beginning of the year is most likely to get cancelled, postponed  or changed in some way. Finances may take a turn one way or the other, so be watchful, it may be a roller-coaster. Avoid making permanent business associations or signing anything that binds you. Play, explore, expand your sense of freedom and remain flexible.

If you are in a 6 Year: Love, Harmony & Responsibility

Affairs of the home will be uppermost in your mind this year. Your relationships with family, friends or marital partner will be a focus this year. You may also want to make improvements to your environment, adding things of beauty and harmony, or even doing some renovations. If you are in the music, art or other type of creative expression of trade, this could be a good year for you as creativity is favored. You may find yourself playing counselor to others this year. The 5 energy may feel unsettling and frivolous to you at times. Approaching things from a place of love, responsibility and balance will be helpful to you. Be careful that you don’t go overboard trying to help others at your expense. Maintain your boundaries this year and don’t allow the quicksilver energy of the 5 knock you off center

If you are in a 7 Year: Wisdom, Investigation & Spiritual Exploration

Go ahead, explore the subjects that intrigue you. Learn to integrate your intellect with your intuition for that’s where the greater knowledge and understanding can be found. You may feel the need to retreat to recharge your batteries, or seeking moments of solitude, and the urge to go within. Religion, spiritual, mysticism and the occult will be of interest to you. You might even find that y intuitive powers become heightened. You may find yourself being more analytical and critical than usual. Business and personal affairs slow down. Not a good year for speculation of any sorts. Temper could rise should things go wrong or don’t come through in a timely manner, which with the 5 energy at play may certainly occur! The 5 energy may also urge you out of your self-imposed retreat, or you may use the travel component as a way for you to gain more knowledge and wisdom.

Next post I'll cover the 8 and 9 Personal Years... until then, ride the wave of change brought on by the Year of the Dragon and the 5-energy of the year.

Being flexible and adapting to change are your best friends this year!


Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Friday, February 17, 2012
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude

+1(623) 243-7377


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