Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Don’t use the past as an excuse to miss out on your future. "
~ Alan Cohen

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by Karen M. Winkelman Monday, June 1, 2015

Sun, heart, with words June, 6, Let your light shineJune’s message is love

Be open to love, allow more love in, be willing to receive love and give love… especially to yourself and the parts of you that piss you off!

Practice saying “I love you” to you.

Look in the mirror at that Aamazing- Being-That- You-Are with that big heart and beautiful soul and say “I Love You.”

If your brain cries bullshit, do it anyway.

If you have trouble with it, start smaller: “I am willing to love you.”

Our pains and fears all stem from a lack of feeling love.

Believing we are loveable.

Loving ourselves, even with our glorious imperfections.

Feeling loved.

You may give love easily (or not), but chances are you suck at receiving love in large doses!

June is here to help you break open the walls around your heart and let more of that love in --  and in turn you get to beam even more love out to the world.

Cool, huh!

In Numerology, June is a 6 vibration which is all about Love, Harmony, Responsibility, Acceptance, Community, Service, Beauty, Creativity and Peace. (You can watch my video to learn even more about the energy of June)

Anywhere you are out of alignment with the energy of love will show up, so you can become aware of it and shift it.

If someone says “I love you” can you receive it? Believe it?

Or do you try and diminish or deflect it?

Often I see people dismiss, deny or deflect love offerings and gestures. Their hesitancy fills my heart with compassion.

They are uncomfortable with receiving simple gestures and words of love, yet they long to experience love and feel, really feel love deep in their core.

Your natural state of being is love.

Reconnect with love.

You can start by loving you. As is.

Even if you wish things were different in some way, still love you.

You are doing the best you can right now. Love you.

More aspects of the energy of June

This month you might find you desire peace or may feel compelled to step into the peace-keeper mode. If so, remember to come from your own peaceful center and not from fear or worry.

If you try to keep the peace from a fearful place you may wind up people-pleasing and blowing your boundaries to bits. Then you might beat yourself up over how you let yourself be taken advantage of. Again.

Ask Angels for a benevolent outcome. I believe that win-win solutions exist.The Light Side of the 6 vibration

The 6 vibration likes to focus on family and community. So you may find yourself wanting to spend more time with family, friends and creating connections with people in your community.

You may even be inspired to meet like-minded people in other communities or even start your own group.

The 6 likes to be of service and give, give, give. So make sure you are keeping healthy boundaries.

If you are a creative person or artist or just like to create stuff for the fun of it, June’s energy supports you in any creative activity that lights you up.

The 6 vibration encourages you to express beauty and harmony in your life. Is it time to redecorate or paint a room or maybe create a garden or outdoor sanctuary?

Healing Opportunities that may arise this month

You may want to explore and heal issues in your past around shame, blame, being a victim, over-giving, feeling like a doormat or martyr having too many family obligations, not having a family that supports you.

Allow the emotions to come up and gift yourself with some forgiveness.

If it is bubbling up to the surface it is leaving, not entering... It’s time to let these things go so you can heal old wounds and reclaim your power and self-worth.

Forgiveness is liberating! Forgiveness is an act of love and grace.

Shadow side of the 6 vibrationThe shadow of the 6 vibration may bring up feelings of guilt or you may find yourself trying to rescue or fix other people.

There is no need to play victim or marytr. There is no special award for trying to do everything for everyone.

The only person you can change is you.

If you find yourself over in the shadow of the 6, just be aware that fear and judgements are blocking the flow of love.

Apply some love to the situation:

sit in beauty somewhere, walk in nature, sign, dance, listen to music, or go off and create something, take out some crayons and color, make something,

repeat “I Love you” as a mantra.

Any of these things can help you shift back into alignment this month.


Stellar Assistance this Month:

  • There’s a full moon on the 2nd which is a great time to release some of the stuff that came up for you in May.

  • There is a new moon on the 16th  -- an ideal time for planting "seeds" of what you wish to create in your life. 

  • We start June off in the air sign of Gemini, so you might find that you are in your head a lot, especially around love and harmony and family. Instead of feeling and trusting your intuition, you might get into analyzing and overthinking things. Just be aware and shift from being in your head to being in your heart.

    June 21st we move into the water sign Cancer which will shift the emphasis from your thoughts to your emotions for the balance of June.

  • We are still dealing with a Mercury retrograde for the first week and a half of June. Be aware of potential Mercury mischief, miscommunications and misunderstandings and double check things.mercury retrograde alert

    • With Mercury being retrograde while we’re in Gemini, I expect that thoughts and memories of past events might be coming up for you to let go of now.
    • And since we are in the the love vibration of June, you mind find yourself revisiting past relationships or reconnecting with things you loved doing in the past.

    • Mercury retrograde is a good time for revisiting, re-visioning, remembering, reconnecting, re-evaluating, and realigning.


Some questions to ask or journal about:

Where are you expressing love in your life?

What can you do to show yourself more love?

How can you apply more love to a situation?

Where are you being responsible for more than your share?

How can you bring more beauty and harmony into your home environment?

How can you bring more beauty and harmony into your work environment?

How can you create a sacred space for yourself to connect with your Spirit?

What would you like to create?

How can you let your creative side out to play?

How do you wish to be of service?

Where are you over-giving?

How can you allow yourself to receive more?

Where are you feeling taken advantage of?

Where are you feeling resentment?

Are you asking for help or support? If not, why?

What community project or group would you like to get involved in?

How can you spend more quality time with family members and loved ones?

What boundaries are strong with you?

Where do you have wishy-washy boundaries?

What boundaries do you need to put in place and honor?

Where are you feeling unfulfilled? What can you do now to change this?

How can you feed your Spirit more?

How can you connect more consistently with Spirit and follow Divine Guidance?


Bottom Line:

Practice coming from a place of love in all that you do.

How can you apply more love to a situation?

How can you show yourself more love?

How can you show love to the parts of you that annoy you?

Honor your boundaries as well as the boundaries of others.Quan Yin & words of forgiveness

Give AND Receive. You need to make it a complete cycle for the energy to flow in a natural way.

Peace is an inside job. You have a calm center. Find it. Use it.

What makes you feel loved and loving and loveable? Do more of that!

Show yourself some love each and every day.

You are loved!

Love & Blessings,

Karen & stars




I'd love to hear your thoughts on the different aspects of love... You can share in the comments area below!

BTW… Did you know that I’m on a mission to help beautiful souls like you to learn to love and accept themselves “as is?”  If you’re struggling, stuck and lack clarity and direction, I invite you to connect with me and see if we’re an energetic fit. I help people find their way again, even if they are wandering in a Dark Night of the Soul.

PS.Share the love… if you like what you read, please like it and share it on your favorite social media sites. Thanks a bunch!

PPS. Be sure to check out my monthly energy update videos on my home page or my video page and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get notified when new videos get posted.

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page too!

(note, some graphics elements are courtesy of Microsoft Corporation)

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Monday, June 1, 2015 6:50 PM
Categories: Numerology, Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Receiving, Energy, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 5:17 PM
Shan said...
"Karen, I love this post. Such a wonderful reminder to ensure that we include the love we give to others to ourselves as well. The Mercury Retrograde is having a HUGE effect on me in terms of letting go of old stuff - it's nice to recognise it for what it is and let it go to make way for new things to come :)"
On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 7:12 PM
Karen said...
"Thank you Shan! Wouldn't it be incredible if everyone gave themselves a little more love each day! Things would begin to move in such a positive way. Yes, this has been one heck of a Mercury retrograde! it is kicking butt! May you have a gentle release of all that no longer serves you so that you can blossom and shine even more. Much love to you xo"
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