January was the start of a new year and a new cycle. Perfect for sowing the seeds of creation for what you want to do, be and have in 2014 and beyond.
For the month of February we’ll be dealing with the 2 vibration and relationships in all sizes and shapes.
The energy January’s 1 vibration was ripe for creation, innovation, taking the lead or initiating and being independent.
Now we move into the energy of relationships and collaboration for the month of February.
February is a 2 vibration. The number 2 is about Duality, Cooperation, Collaboration, Partnerships, Relationships, Balance, Patience, Diplomacy and Compromise.
This month you’ll become more aware of the dynamics present in your relationships: at home, at work, with friends, and in general. You may find yourself wanting to make more meaningful connections with people and let go of relationships that are more superficial. That’s the influence the 7-year vibration has on the 2 energy of relationships.
The 2 energy seeks camaraderie, teamwork and cooperation. And since we are in the air sign of Aquarius for much of the month, you might find yourself looking for like-minded people to connect with to share ideas and enjoy deep rich conversations.
On the 19th of February we move into the water sign of Pisces, so the relationships may take on a little more of an emotional feel. These may be deep feelings you weren’t even aware you had. If so, they are coming up now to be acknowledged and for you to accept and understand them.
You might even feel a desire to reconnect with friends from the past. You may also find the time is right to forgive or seek forgiveness.
Maintaining balance or harmony is important this month, along with an increased desire for peace and understanding.
Since the number 2 deals with duality, you may become aware of opposing viewpoints or see both sides of a situation more clearly than before.
You may also feel compelled to find a middle ground or compromise that is a win-win for those involved.
We also have a Mercury retrograde in effect for most of the month, so be extra careful with your communications and back up your computers! (exact dates are February 6 - 28)
Mercury retro is a great time to revisit anything from the past and just not a good time to start something brand spanking new. And that include buying anything electronic. We've been in the shadow of the retrograde for the past week or so, and boy have we experienced a number of techno weirdnesses in the Winkelman household and some miscommunications and rapid changes in plans. So be aware and double check everything!
This month, pay attention to your relationships with others as well as with yourself.
Notice w
here any imbalances exist. Notice where you seem to be on opposite sides.
Notice where your patience gets triggered.
These are opportunities for you to restore balance and seek a way to make peace, cooperate or reach a compromise that is benevolent for all involved.
Some questions to ask or journal about:
What relationships would you like to improve (this can be with people, places, situations and things)?
Where are you feeling out-of-balance in your life, in your work, in your health, in your relationships?
Why do you feel this way?
What would you like it to be and feel like instead of how it is now?
How can you bring more peace and harmony into your life?
When do you feel impatient?
Why does this make you feel impatience?
Who tries your patience regularly? Why?
Where are you avoiding asking for support or receiving support?
Where are you not willing to receive support?
Where are you trying to please others at the cost of yourself?
Where are you feeling disconnected, disinterested or indifferent? Why do you think this is?
What are you indecisive about? Why do you think this is?
How is duality or polarity showing up for you this month? (Example: thinking one thing but doing the other; you think one way, they think the opposite)?
How can you invite more peace and understanding into your life? Who might you wish to collaborate with and on what?
For February, focus on your relationships and balance. Try to see both sides of a situation before jumping to conclusions or making a decision.
Be willing to ask for support and receive it! And please be patient and gentle with yourself!
Hope this helps give you some tools to balance your relationships and cultivate patience!
If you are interested in learning more, check out my video update on February's energy... or you can also find it on my home page or on my video page – look under the dropdown for February 2014! .
Create an enjoyable month!
and a very Happy Valentine's Day to you too!!!
love & blessings,