Yeah... figured.
It just may be the influence of the 2 vibration of February stirring the pot.
It seems like everyone I speak to is having relationship stuff poking, simmering, or exploding.
Plus there have been soooo many communication glitches.
Some may have been courtesy of the Mercury retrograde we were already immersed in when February started.
At my house we’re seeing it with communications going sideways. My husband and I normally understand each other well. Yet at times this month it’s been like we are speaking different languages. This resulted in some interesting, sometimes funny sometimes irritating misunderstandings.
To add to the household fun and games, our cats have been having some interesting relationship challenges too. Willow, one of our recent rescue additions is such a sweetie, but she has a problem accepting the male cats. She walks around growling and hissing at the boys, and sometimes the other girls and even at us if she is in a mood.
Ever see a cat eat and growl at the same time or purr and growl at the same time? Talk about conflicted. We nick-named her Ms. Grumpypants. We are hoping she reaches a compromise soon so we can once more enjoy a peaceful home!
If your relationships are making your head spin this month -- or at any time --
just notice where might you be fighting what is going on, rather than accepting it and then deciding what to do going forward.
This could be walk away, compromise, agree to disagree, or a host of other possibilities.
As the Buddha supposedly said a long, long time ago: “It is your resistance to what is that is the cause of your suffering.”
BTW, Mercury went direct on the 11th of February but its effect still lingers for days and sometimes weeks after.
February’s 2 vibration asks us to take a closer look at our relationships… all kinds of relationships.
Family, friends, co-workers, Spirit, animals friends,… and the really, really big one… your relationship with YOU! Because every other relationship you have is being a mirror for something about you.
This month you’ll become more aware of the dynamics present in your relationships: at home, at work, with friends, and in general.
You may find yourself wanting to be recognized more for what you do and how you contribute.
February is a 2 vibration and the number 2 is about Relationships, Duality, Cooperation, Collaboration, Partnerships, Balance, Compromise, Diplomacy and Patience.
If you haven’t already watched my February video, I encourage you to do so.
Although all these are important, the two key aspects to be aware of this month are relationships and patience.
The relationships that are being called into play (especially since we are in a 8 vibration year) are relationships with yourself, with your spirit and the Divine, with your money, with your sense of power, with your work (business or job), and with the world (how you show up in the world and how the world sees you).
That’s the influence the 8-year vibration has on the 2 energy of relationships.
Other Factors
If your personal year is a different number than 8, I’d factor that in too if you know it. (If I were doing a numerology forecast for you, I’d also include your life path number in the mix to give you some deeper insights on what may show up for you and how recognize and receive the gifts that are there for you to work with as well as potential potholes to avoid.)
For me, I am a 9 life path in a 9 personal year, so part of my journey this year is in letting go of what no longer serves my highest and best. In a Universal 8 year, that may show up around letting go of programming and beliefs around money or who I think I should be or what I think I should be doing.
In February, this may show up for me as what relationships need to be re-evaluated and either upgraded in some way to carry them forward into my next 9-year cycle, or blessed and thanked for their contribution to my life up till now and then released to allow something new and better to come into my life.
The 2 energy seeks camaraderie, teamwork and cooperation.
And since we are in the air sign of Aquarius for much of the month, you might find yourself looking for like-minded people to connect with to share ideas and enjoy deep rich conversations.
We started February in the air sign of Aquarius… so you may be in your head more than usual or find yourself exploring interesting or weird people, places, things and ideas.
We also began February knee deep in a Mercury retrograde (it’s been going backwards since. Jan 21), so technology (an Aquarius fave) and communications maybe be screwy.
You had a full moon Feb 3… great for releasing, and a new moon on Feb 18… great for creating or birthing something new.
Chinese New Year begins on February 19, 2015… we enter into the year of the sheep. Some elements of the sheep (or goat) energy are similar to the 8 vibration, so it will amplify the light and shadow of the 8.
On the 19th we move from the air sign of Aquarius into the water sign of Pisces, so the relationships may take on a little more of an emotional feel.
These may be deep feelings you weren’t even aware you had. If so, they are coming up now to be acknowledged and for you to accept and understand them. You might even feel a desire to reconnect with friends from the past. You may also find the time is right to forgive or seek forgiveness.
Balance and Patience
Maintaining balance or harmony is important this month, along with an increased desire for peace and understanding.
Duality is part of the number 2.
This means you may be aware of or knee deep in situations caused by opposing viewpoints.
Or you may begin to see both sides of a situation more clearly than before.
You may also feel compelled to find a middle ground or compromise that is a win-win for those involved.
The 2 vibration wants to teach diplomacy and compromise, so you don’t need the other person to lose for you to win.
Win-win is possible.
This is a great month to look at collaborating with others… especially your Spirit, the Divine, Your Angels & Guides and Higher Self.
You may want to be aware of signposts that the shadow-side of the 2 is playing with you.
Here are the key ones that might pop up: feeling uninterested, wishy-washy, indecisive, oversensitive, unbalanced, resentful and impatient.
When you find yourself in this corner… what can you do to apply some TLC to your relationship with you… cause that’s what is going on there.
Some questions to ask yourself or journal about:
- What relationships would you like to improve (this can be with people, places, situations and things)?
- Where are you feeling out-of-balance in your life, in your work, in your health, in your relationships?
- Why do you feel this way?
- What would you like it to be and feel like instead of how it is now?
- How can you bring more peace and harmony into your life?
- When do you feel impatient?
- Why does this make you feel impatience?
- Who tries your patience regularly? Why?
- Where are you avoiding asking for support or receiving support?
- Where are you not willing to receive support?
- Where are you trying to please others at the cost of yourself?
- Where are you feeling disconnected, disinterested or indifferent? Why do you think this is?
- What are you indecisive about? Why do you think this is?
- How is duality or polarity showing up for you this month? (Example: thinking one thing but doing the other; you think one way, they think the opposite)?
- How can you invite more peace and understanding into your life?
- Who might you wish to collaborate with and on what?
- What does people pleasing, blaming and feeling powerless cost you?
Bottom Line
This month, pay attention to your relationships with others as well as with yourself.
Try to see both sides of a situation before jumping to conclusions or making a decision.
Notice where any imbalances exist.
Notice where you seem to be on opposite sides.
Notice where your patience gets triggered.
These are opportunities for you to restore balance and seek a way to make peace, cooperate or reach a compromise that is benevolent for all involved.
Ask for the support you need!
And patient and gentle with yourself!
Love & Blessings,
Oh yeah, for more insights on 2015, be sure to read part 1 of the overview (Uniting Heaven & Earth) and watch my 2015 video update too. You'll be armed with the essentials for navigating 2015.
PS. I'd love to hear your experiences on dealing with the relationship energy of February... You can share in the comments area below!
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