My intuition, creative nature, and connection to spirit help me connect the dots, perceive the patterns, feel the energy, and see the issue clearly. It helps me quickly get to the root, heart, and truth of the matter. It also helps me reframe situations so they make more sense to you.
I help you see what’s “not-you” – including all the “shoulds,” “can’ts,” and “don’ts.” Plus, the accumulation of thoughts and beliefs that you’ve taken on over your lifetime that you think are yours but really aren’t (and maybe carried over from other lifetimes).
Whether you are struggling with your work, business, personal life, or creative projects, I can provide you with wise counsel. A new perspective. A sounding board. Clarity. Validation. Practical steps to help you move forward.
I can help you understand yourself and your situation better, cut through the bullshit, dysfunctional behaviors, outmoded stories, beliefs, thought patterns, and other irritating things that hog-tie you, zap your energy, and keep you stuck, so you can get back on track and start moving forward again.