When you were young, you may have made some decisions about yourself that weren’t true, but they were opinions held by others you loved (or feared).
You may have decided to tone it down and stop being so dramatic because people thought you were too much, too loud, too off-the-wall to fit in or be taken seriously. You might have even been punished for it.
You might have decided way back then that the things that were so special about you were somehow wrong. Or (shudder to think) that there was something wrong with you.
You tried so effing hard to fit in, be normal, be what others wanted… and lost the Real You in the process.
And deep inside, a part of you was screaming to break free. Itching to throw off that constricting costume of normal, stop people-pleasing, and find the True You again.
I invite you to remember who you are, and to have the courage to take your power back from all those misguided naysayers, who, in their own weird way, were trying to protect you and make sure you stayed safe in the “normal box.”